Friday, June 26, 2009

Prayer Warriors Unite

Cancer...the dreaded words conger up all kinds of emotion. Fear strikes first, then disbelief, followed by the questions, why me, why now, what will the future look like.

Then, the peace of God fills us with the realization that everything, even this, is in the hands of our Creator, who loves His children with a never ending supply of grace and mercy.

As you know, Rob is going through his own battle with Metastatic Squamous Cell Neck Cancer. Thursday, June 25th marks a milestone of sorts because that is the day he had his last radiation treatment, 32 in all.

In the past two months the cancer gene in his family as claimed the life of Rob's beloved Uncle Bob, and just this week, we received the news that his very beloved Aunt Nadyne has been diagnosed with Pancreatic cancer in it's last stage.

So much heartache, so much sadness at the thought of what lies ahead (on this earth) for those close to us as they walk through yet another fight with the enemy, Cancer. Yet we are comforted by the knowledge that we will see one another again when we have a great reunion in heaven.

Please dear ones, pray for our family members who have been devastated by this disease, who are coming alongside to provide care and comfort to those affected. We have been bathed in the love of God and wish the same loving kindness for them as well.

Rob decided he wanted you to see for yourselves the almost "Star Trek" mask he has worn for his radiation treatments. We've also taken a photo of his neck so you will know what is happening. Your prayers and encouragement in these past months have meant the world to us and we thank you from the bottom of our hearts for the love you've poured out upon us.

May God bless you each and every day.

Rob and Carol


Anonymous said...

We are praying for you and so thankful for you

Anonymous said...

Hey Grandma,

Thank you for posting this, im glad grandpa is done with the treatment! Cant wait to see you tomorrow at the garage sale.

Love you,

Gyorgyi said...

we keep praying for you!!!!!!!:)