Friday, May 22, 2009

What's Happening Now

Busy days and more to come. Rob has completed 8 radiation treatments so far and is really a trooper!

So far, he is beginning to experience a burning feeling to the treated area and also more tiredness. He is taking more naps throughout the day and just conserving his energy for what lays ahead. His doctor said he would begin to experience the full effects of the radiation in the weeks ahead.

This past weekend we had the opportunity to go camping with our daughter and grandkids. They have an RV and a boat so we were able to have a great time on the water. Rob's fishing was limited to the evening hours so I don't have photos of him sitting on the back of the docked boat with his line in the water.

I did get a few photos of our grandkids wakeboarding and tubing plus me just hanging out on the boat which I've posted above.

Thank you one and all for all your loving encouragement and prayers. God is good, giving us a quiet place to hang our hat, rest when needed, and also be a blessing to our hostess Janine, who has turned her home over to us. She even gave up her master bedroom so we could have more space to be comfortable. Sitting on her patio with the beautiful waterfall has become an oasis for us, allowing us to feel God's love all around us. Blessings upon blessings just keep pouring out on us and we are so very grateful.
Wanting to do something to thank her, we found out Janine wanted to change her kitchen sink to a stainless one so we took her shopping for a new sink and faucet which Rob and Janine's Dad will install next week.

We are still praying for a buyer for the Mission House in Debrecen and try to remember the timing for this is also in God's hands.

Blessings to all,
Carol and Rob

Monday, May 4, 2009

Some Good News, At Last!!!

Thank you all for your prayers these many months. Rob just finished talking with his surgeon and finally got an idea of the prognosis for his future.

He was told that if he chose to have radiation to his surgery site, it could add 2 years to his life. If no radiation, he could expect about 1 year. Of course, he is choosing to have radiation which will start in the next two weeks.

Please know how much your prayers have encouraged us. We ask you to continue to pray for God's mercy and strength as Rob faces his next hurdle.

Additionally, there has been word of a possible buyer for the mission house property. Keep praying!! Thanks.

Love and hugs to you all!
Rob and Carol

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Rob's Dream Machine

Thanks everyone, for your prayers this past week. Rob was able to make the trip to Southern California and Nevada with no problems.

While in Las Vegas visiting my brother Wayne, Rob had the chance to sit on Wayne's Harley Davidson motor cycle. It has always been Rob's dream to own one but he was more than content to just get the chance to sit on one. You can see his huge smile above.

Monday, Rob will see his surgeon and hopefully get some answers about the prognosis for his type of cancer. Right now, we don't know whether to plan to return to Hungary or stay here for the forseeable future.

Please keep praying for the sale of the Mission House in Debrecen Hungary. So far, there hasn't been any one coming forward with interest or an offer.

Blessings and love to all.
Rob and Carol