Tuesday, May 6, 2008

A Time To Connect

Precious moments, all pieced together, make a beautiful quilt...

These past few months since we last wrote have been made up of moments which have shown us the beautiful patchwork quilt the Lord is designing from our lives.

Some of these moments were joyous, as in the case of our friends dearly awaited first child being born 3 weeks early, and in perfect health. Another joyous memory was sharing a week-long driving trip with my beloved sister, Georgia, visiting our cousins, brothers, and father. Another memory making moment was having the opportunity to attend a week-end women's retreat where my friend and mentor, Carol Porter, was the guest speaker for the retreat. A special joy because it was shared with my sister Georgia and also her first women's retreat.

Never give up praying...after more than 9 years of prayers, one of our long-held dreams was answered when our home church, Valley Bible Church, Pleasanton, California, brought 28 people to come and minister among our Hungarian brothers and sisters. During their 10 days in Hungary, they were able to visit a hospital for newborn babies in Ukraine, minister among Gypsy brothers and sisters in Hungary and Romania, hold a 2-day retreat for the young people of the church as well as orphans from the ministry in Miskolc. There was also a time of meeting and encouragement of a pastor's wife from Romania and a gathering of the women from the Debrecen church.

Finally, after many years of praying, God has provided an answer to our long-held wish to have a more permanent church home. We have now been able to purchase a property with two buildings on it. The larger of the two will be used as the sanctuary once it is renovated and the smaller will be used for the children's ministry, coffee house ministry, and a wonderful area for the youth group to meet.

Praise God for the perfect solution to our housing situation. We can now begin the remodeling, and even do some much needed modification to the current garden area, creation of a play area for the children, and construction of a deck area for the coffee house.

Of course, all of this is dependent upon the Lord's provision to cover the expenses involved. The great thing is that the Lord's wallet is unlimited. We just need to wait upon His timing.

As always we are so grateful for you and continue to covet your prayers for the Lord's work here in Eastern Europe and especially our beloved Gypsy brothers and sisters in Hajduboszormeny.

Be blessed dear ones as the Lord helps you construct your own "quilt" of life.