Monday, September 29, 2008

Visions of the Wild West!

Russ Chun who heads up GoodSports Ministry here in Debrecen had an unusual experience last week, harkening back to the wild west days!

While moving a ping pong table to the local Reformed Church in preparation for their first ever Youth Group meeting, Russ had loaded the table into the back of a horse pulled wood wagon.

It was at this point that something spooked the horse which was being led by his 12 year old assistant and neighbor (who had volunteered his horse and wagon)for the project. The horse took off, dragging the young boy, and as Russ was holding the reins and trying to get the horse under control, the horse began zig zagging back and forth across the road, Russ lost control of the situation and was thrown out of the wagon along with the ping pong table which whizzed over his head.

The outcome was that Russ landed on a stake which the neighbor had placed around his front garden. Landing on it caused two ribs to be broken from the stake, he also had an additonal broken rib, a fractured wrist, and a gash in his head requiring 7 stitches.

Once all the x-rays were over, it was decided that Russ needed to stay in the hospital for 4-5 days to make sure the broken ribs would not cause a breathing problem.

We're happy to say Russ is home and recovering. He is joking about his "wild west" adventure so his sense of humor is still intact.

We invite your prayers for Russ' continued recovery. Also, please pray for the ministries he heads up, i.e., baseball ministry, orphanage ministry, and the soon to start youth group meetings at the local Reformed Church in Mikeperc. He is being told he needs to take it easy for another 5-6 weeks and for those who know Russ and his legendary energy, not an easy task for him.

Looking Back

On a beautiful Fall morning with a chorus of birds singing outside our windows, I am looking back over all that has happened this summer.

Eventful would not begin to describe how wonderfully the Lord has been working in the lives of the young people in our small Debrecen church. God has blessed our church with a Youth Pastor who truly cares about his flock. Pastor Dani has inspired our young people to truly live out the message of Matthew which encourages all of us to "go and share the good news of Jesus Christ." They have done that through their willing hearts at the summer sports and English camps, through their teaching of God's word to the littlest children at the Gypsy church in Boszormeny, and through their on-going mentoring and encouragement of the orphans in Miskolc.

We thank God for each person who has stepped up to the plate, sometimes literally, as they have participated in teaching/coaching American Baseball.

In gratitude for such willing hearts, Rob and I decided to host a bar-b-q for all the youth group members. We spent an afternoon and evening enjoying each others company eating bar-b-q, playing badmiton, volleyball, and praising God in worship.

Thank you one and all for your continued prayer for the work of God's hands here in Hungary, always remembering "the prayers of a godly man/woman availeth much!!!

Blessings in Christ,
Rob and Carol

Thursday, September 18, 2008

A Friend in Need

A friend who was instrumental in our coming to the Lord is now in need of prayer as she battles cancer. Carol Porter is our former pastor's wife and is beginning a difficult treatment for Metastic Melanoma which has spread to her lungs and liver.

We are asking our friends and readers to lift Carol in prayer as she begins the journey towards restored health. You can follow her progress by reading her blog at:

Thank you for standing in the gap.

Rob and Carol