Saturday, July 18, 2009

Going Home - To Hungary

Rob is finished with his 32 radiation treatments and it's time to organize our trip back to Hungary. We will leave California on August 6th and arrive in Hungary on August 7th, hooray!!!

Rob likes to keep busy and while here he has helped Janine (our hostess) with a number of projects including organizing her garage, putting in a new kitchen sink and tile, and sanding and staining her outdoor furniture.

Your prayers have bathed us in love, encouragement, and peace as we've walked through this desert trek. Rob has healed from the radiation burns, is gaining strength daily, and oh so ready to go home and tackle the next phase in this journey...getting the mission house property ready to sell, on the Internet if necessary.

Our Hungarian church family has offered to help us with the painting inside both houses and we are so grateful for them, even if they didn't help, it's so nice to be a part of such a loving and supportive family of God.

Rob's prognosis is uncertain. The doctors have said with the radiation treatments they hoped he would have at least two more years. Our hope is that we can sell the property and get moved back to California before the cancer makes another appearance. The doctors are not too happy about his decision to return to Hungary but Rob is adamant that he wants to help me tie up all the loose ends before our move back to the States.

To all our brothers and sisters, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts for standing with us in these uncertain times.

May God bless you one and all.

Carol and Rob